Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hell, I Don't even know where Micronesia is.

           singing to the tune of  Carly Simon's hit:

                                      I'm so vain.
                                      I probably think this blog is about me.
                                      I'm soooo vain.
                                      I probably think this blog is about me.
                                      Don't I. Don't I. Don't I.

    So far we have learned that I am an idiot, prejudice, and an elitist. Today I will declare myself VAIN.  This is not an easy thing to admit. I've always have thought of myself as pretty down to earth  guy. I realize that I am just a speck on this earth. I take pride that I have a "big picture"  view on life. Besides, vanity is pretty subjective, isn't it? From the time I get up in the morning till I go to bed I probably comb my hair on average about five times. My wife thinks this is vain. I disagree. But trying to judge ones own vanity is difficult. I'm sure Oprah and Donald Trump have no idea how vain they sound.
    I have my own blog! How could I not be vain? But I'm not vain because I have my own blog. I started this blog because I like to write about my slightly skewed views on life. It is therapeutic. Yes, there were a handful of people who seemed to enjoy my writings several years back. And yes I hope there may be few people who will enjoy my blog now. But I write because I like to write. It's a hobby. Vanity is not a part of this.
    Then I discovered a little tab up on the top of my blog's page that said "stats". When I clicked on this button I was surprised. It told me how people got to my blog and even what type of browser they were using. More importantly it told me how many people have visited my blog and what time of day they were there. It even told me what country they are from. Pretty cool! But with a minimal amount of self promoting I was shocked that I have had over a thousand visits(I don't count my own) from fourteen different countries!!! All in less than two months, 800 of them in the last month. Hello Mr. Vanity! I have had visits from France, Russia, Peru, Australia, Ecuador, and Micronesia. Hell, I don't even know where Micronesia is. Some of you may not think all this is that impressive, but it sure is for little ol' humble me. My vanity level skyrocketed.

Reality  Check  Time:
    I've had my five minutes of fame( actually about a month). My numbers are decreasing already. My visitor from Jamaica hasn't come back. I have not had even one comment on my blog. And all that is just fine. I will continue to write. Not to try to impress anyone, but because I enjoy it. If anyone stays around to visit from time to time then that is just fine too. Besides, a little vanity doesn't hurt.   

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