Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Random Observations From Losing Electrical Power

    My planned blog for the week has been delayed because of Hurricane Irene. We lost electricity at our house for two days and I want to share some random thoughts I have had because of this. The planned blog will be posted in a few days so please come back as I think it is a good one. Here are some things that ran into my head while coping without power.

  • I love my iphone(smart phone) more than ever.
  • We have certain neighbors that we only meet and talk to when the electricity goes out. In-evidently we will go outside and walk the neighborhood when the power goes out and meet neighbors doing the same thing. Power goes on and we retreat back to home base.
  • When driving, if you approach a broken traffic light you are to treat the intersection as a four way stop. Over 89% of the drivers either don't know this or care to oblige it.
  • My wife is still my best friend.
  • About 7:30 PM I begin to wonder what kind of dress Vanna is wearing tonight. This is odd because when I am watching Wheel of Fortune I am usually wondering what Vanna is wearing under her dress.
  • About 7:35 PM I begin to wonder what Pat is wearing tonight. This is odd because usually I .............  umm, never mind.
  • My name is Kirby and I am an addict. An electricity addict. I'm not proud of it, but I'm not going to do anything about it.
  • Three people lose power in their separate houses. Let's call them A, B, and C. A is the first to get his power back on. A immediately calls B to tell them. B says they are happy for them, but really is pissed at them for having all the comforts of electricity while B plays his 514th game of solitaire. B then gets his electricity back and immediately calls C.
  • Thank god indoor plumbing doesn't require electricity.
  • Even if indoor plumbing doesn't require electricity, COLD SHOWERS SUCK!!!
  • Why is it that when the power is out I look at the radio while listening to it. Do I really think it is going to all of a sudden flash an image at me?
  • As bad as it has been without electricity after Hurricane Irene, it is so much better than after Hurricane Andrew in South Florida. Mid ninety degree temperatures with high humidity is pure misery. 
  • Long after the power has gone out I am going to the basement and as I start down the steps I put my hand out to turn on the light switch. This is a moment I do not want to forget. Whenever I start to feel I'm a pretty smart person, whenever I start to feel a little cocky, whenever I shake my head at how stupid people can be, I must remember this moment. The power was out and I tried to turn on the light switch! WHAT A DUMB ASS!   

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