Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Attack of the Killer Vibrators

    Hello again. I finally got my interview with the one who some of you call Rushie-Poo. Unfortunately it didn't start out very well. So I will publish the first part of the interview today and get it over with. Some times that man really gets under my skin. So here is the unedited part one of my visit with Rush.

me:  Hello Rush. It's been a long time.

RL :  Hey Brown. Hasn't been long enough. HELLO  AMERICA!!

me:  Your over two hours late. What took you so long?

RL:  Got held up at airport security. Missed my flight.

me:  Stupid TSA. What a bunch of morons.

RL:  Listen mister! Those fime folks are keeping you safe.

me:  They made you miss your flight.

RL:  It's a small price to pay to keep Obama and the terrorist from getting on the plane.

me: Obama? You mean Osama?

RL:  You heard me.

me:  Come on Rush. Those people are boobs. I have a friend who told me the TSA broke his wife's vibrator into pieces.  I guess they are protecting us from "killer vibrators".

RL:  Look Brown, those brave man and women in uniform are keeping your liberal ass from blowing into pieces. By the way, having trouble pleasing your wife?

me:  I said it was a friend!

RL:  Sure Brown. Is this what you wanted me for? To help with your marital problems? 

me:  No Rush. Certainly not you of all people. I see you haven't lost any weight.

RL;  I happen to know your female readers LOVE me. They even gave me my pet name, Rushie-Poo.

me:  Please Rush, my female readers are smart liberated women.

RL:  And they all want a piece of their Rushie.

me:  Luckily there is plenty to go around.

RL:  I know women. They say they want to be liberated, but what they really want is to be told what to do. They want to please a man. But a real man. Not some mealy mouth, I want to share my feelings wimp of a man like you. No wonder your having problems in the bedroom.

me:  I'm not having problems. I was talking about a friend.

RL:  Sure you are! Sounds like you need a little Reality Check of your own

me:  I hate you Rush! 


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