Saturday, July 2, 2011

Am I Prejudice?

Reality Check: I am prejudice. Aren't we all? defines prejudice as: 1)
an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason and 2) any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable. So we can be prejudice in a favorable way also. I have met a dozen or two people from Boston in my lifetime and have found everyone of them to be pleasant, enjoyable people. Certainly there are some pretty nasty Bostonians that I haven't met. But if I meet someone and hear they are from Boston, I'm sure I will pre-judge them in a favorable light. Of course most of us are prejudice in the unfavorable way. I will now show my prejudice on driving.
    First, over 80% of drivers think they are above average drivers. My math tells me that a lot of that 80% are wrong. We good drivers have known this all along. What about the one in five that think your not above average? Well, thank you for your honesty, now get off the road. Perhaps public transportation is in order. 
    Second, what about men vs. women drivers? I prejudicely rule this a tie. Men are certainly better drivers, but men(on a whole) are much more careless. So even though men drivers could dominate this category, their stupidity and egos prevent this. Wow! This is prejudice at its best. I was able to slam both sexes. By the way, there is a place below each blog where you can comment. I have made it pretty easy to use that. You don't have to register and can be anonymous. Please feel free to tell me what you think. It can make this blog much better.
    Third, I want to talk about driving by regions. I have done little driving west of the Mississippi, but from what I have seen it was pretty good. West coasters tend to drive pretty fast as do east coasters, but seem to do it in a more orderly way. Florida driving has to be divided in two. There is driving during tourist season and driving in non season. They both suck!  Driving in Philadelphia has been a real experience. Street lights and signs play a secondary role. The main rule is simple: Everyone yields to the crappiest car. The logic is simple, if my car is nicer than yours I don't want to hit it. An example: you are at a red light waiting for the opposite traffic left turning in front of you. The light turns green, but the traffic keeps turning in front of you. Not just one or two cars. You have to wait until someone with a nicer car than yours comes along and gun it. It helps if you look right at them with a scowl. Think of Dirty Harry "Are you feeling lucky punk". Then they will yield to you. Street lights and signs are only to be used as a tie breaker if two cars of equal value square off. Also, a quick word about parking in Philly. It is allowed, anywhere. Heard of double parking? Philly does triple parking. The same rule applies to parking as right of way. If you have a piece of junk car there is no place you can't park it. The street, the interstate, the yard, anywhere. I once went to a Philly's game and swore I saw two cars parked in left field. Philadelphia has been called the city of brotherly love. I have seen that love many times. Of course I have seen my share of hate there too. But when it come to driving, there is no love. Why is this? My theory is that Philladelphians all have to drive across the Delaware River from time to time into New Jersey. 
    No matter how bad Philly drivers are, they don't come close to Jersey. I think that the problem is that they have another set of driving laws. For example, in the rest of the country a driver merging onto an interstate has to yield to traffic. In Jersey. not only don't you have to yield, they don't even have to look for traffic. Look out! Here I come! Gee, even if your driving a really nice car! The rest of the country uses a turn signal to announce a turn (not nearly as often as they should) and to warn other drivers of a change of lanes. In Jersey it is just the opposite. Never use a turn signal when turning. A Jersey turn signal is like a wild card. If you put your turn signal on you have the right of way. Doesn't matter if you are doing 60mph and that Jersey Boy is doing 30, he is allowed to cut you off as long as he used his turn signal.
    Am I prejudice? Hmmmm.     

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