Sunday, July 24, 2011

I'm an Elitist

Reality Check:  I am an elitist!

    And now thanks to FOX News with the help from the American Tea Party, you can be an elitist too. Seems the above mentioned group has lowered the bar to be an elitist. . . . substantially. Just answer the three questions correctly and you too can be an elitist. So answer the questions and then check the answers. No peeking before you answer.

Question 1:  What is your highest level of education?

  a) four years or more of college.

  b)  1 to 2 years of college.

  c)  high school

  d)  middle school

  e) I got my education from the University of Hard Knocks.

Question  2:  Which is larger? Your IQ or your shoe size?

  a)  IQ

  b)  I don't know.

  c)  My shoe size.

Questin 3:  Where do you get your news and information?

  a) I get my news from several places like television, newspapers, the internet, and magazines.

  b)  I get my news from one or two of the above.

  c)  I don't see much news unless TMZ or Entertainment Tonight count.

  d)  I listen to FOX News and FOX News only. They are the only ones who tell it like it is and what I want to hear.


Question 1:  If you answered a, b, c, d, or e, then you are correct! This is not rocket science and I wanted to start off with an easy one.

Question 2:  If you answered (a) then congrats. Your already an elitist in the eyes of Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin. You betya!
   If you answered (b) you are correct also. Heck, not many of us know our IQ anyway.
   If you answered (c) you are a smart ass, but you are correct also. If you read the question then your IQ is larger unless you have some really big feet!

Question 3: If you answered (a) then la de da, aren't you the smart one.
    If you answered (b) or (c) then your such an elitist that Glenn Beck thinks your a communist.
    And finally, if you answered (d) you don't want to be an elitist anyway. Your much too busy to think for yourself. But what are you doing at a blog called Reality Check? Run along now and stick your head back in that hole and pretend you were never here. 

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