Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Tribute To My Father

    As much as I accuse my wife, in reality I am a bit of a pack rat. Even worse, I am an unorganized pack rat. So I came up with this great idea to pay tribute to my father by posting something he wrote to the sports editor who in return put it in his daily column. We were pretty surprised when my father decided to sit down at a typewriter and put his thoughts on paper. It wasn't really like him. If I was surprised by that then I was shocked that he had written something an editor thought worthy of putting in newsprint. Sorry Dad, but I was an early teen and thought my parents were pretty lame. My father would write these kooky, off beat stories that were a little amusing. I think it is safe to say that gene ended up in me. He sent in several "stories" and every one of them found it's way into the local paper. All but one that is. Once he went a little too far and only got a mention from the editor that this was " a family newspaper". My Prodigy friends can attest that I enjoyed pushing the limits with my own little stories. Yes sir, the nut doesn't fall far from the tree.
   So my plan was to post one of my Dad's stories to honor him. He has passed almost seventeen years ago and I thought he needed his own blog. Newsprint fades but digital stories will forever be floating around in cyberspace. Now is when the unorganized pack rat comes in. I know that I have these articles, just can't seem to find them. If I can't find them I will get them from my mother. They will find their way here.  Sadly, just not today.
    So Happy Fathers Day to all daddies out there. You all are unique and special in your own way.  

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